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Alright, clear your schedules for next Monday night!!!

Lara & Dave will be speaking at the thirtieth meeting of the New York Comics & Picture-story Symposium to be held on Dec. 17, 2012 at 7:00 pm at Parsons The New School for Design, 2 W. 13th St., in the Bark Room (lobby level).  We’ll be speaking about our collaborative comics work and publishing. The lecture will be facilitated by Ben Katchor.  It’s gonna be a fun night and we hope to see you there!

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One week till Locust Moon Comics Festival!

Sunday, December 16th will mark our final festival appearance of 2012!  We’ll be tabling at Locust Moon Comics Festival in Philadelphia, PA.  The wonderfully talented Jess Ruliffson will be joining us, and we will also be selling Gregory Mackay‘s latest book The Trials of Francis Bear in addition to all our wicked comic book wares.  So if you live around there, or just happen to find yourself in town for the day, come on by and check it out!

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West Coast reprizent!

If this was the 1990s and we were hip-hop artists, we would’ve just started a gang war.  Fortunately, it’s not and we’re not.  We just do comics.  And they are now available at Floating World in Portland, OR!


This is the first shop on the West Coast to carry our stuff, and we’re super excited because it’s one of the best.  So this is a shout-out to all members of our posse from Vancouver down to Tijuana:  Head over to Portland ASAP and buy some comics!


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20% Codeword Sale!!!

‘Tis the season to freak out and buy stuff for yourself and those around you! Therefore, we are offering 20% off all items on our Etsy store! All you have to do is apply this coupon code when purchasing: SERENA.  All caps, no period.


DISCLAIMER:  If you live in an area where our comics are available in stores, we kindly ask you support them first.  This discount is great if there’s no other way to get our stuff, but you’ll ultimately pay more with shipping.  We love your support no matter what, but our mantra is there’s no better way to buy comics than in a comic shop.

Happy Holidays!!!

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It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…

New Comic Day!  And we’re excited to say that A Comic Guide to Brewing and Walking Into Traffic #3 are on the shelves at Desert Island and Bergen St. Comics in Brooklyn.


If you don’t live in NYC, don’t freak out!  They’ll be rolling out to more stores faster than you can say…well…a lot of things (which is still pretty fast).  So stay tuned for more announcements, but if you really need these books now, head on over to our shop and hook yourself up.