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So What Is So What? Press? A Year in Review…

so_what_01_WEBDear Friends,


First and foremost, we would like to say thanks for supporting us in 2012.  It has been an amazing year, and we could not have done it without you.  One year ago, all we had was a single seven-page “preview” comic under our belts.  Now we have five titles currently in print and a lot more on the way.


We’d like to share with you some of the stuff we have coming up in 2013.  The biggest news is that we started our own publishing imprint called So What? Press.  That’s our nifty logo to the left.  We plan on publishing not only our own stuff but the work of others as well.  We have two non-Dave & Lara titles slated to print in the first quarter of ’13:  She Smiled Back & Other Stories by Tim Sinaguglia and a presently untitled anthology by the participants of Atlantic Center for the Arts’ Residency #147.  It will feature new material by over twenty awesome creators including the three master artists Ellen Forney, Dean Haspiel, and Megan Kelso.  With the good fortune of having our books in ten stores, we felt it was time to bring all these projects together under one umbrella.  Expect some changes to this website as we go further beyond producing just Tales of the Night Watchman.


Oh, and speaking of!  We’re knee-deep in Issue Two.  It’s gonna be killer!  We’re hibernating in comics until it’s time for the festival thaw-out this Spring.  So far, we have three tour dates lined up:  Chicago Zine Fest, S.P.A.C.E., and Stumptown.  Hopefully there will be a couple more until we break again for the summer so be sure to stay up to date on our events page.  In 2012, we tabled at eight festivals and walked the floors of four others.  It will be hard to top that, but we’re going to try.


The biggest surprise of all this year was Lara’s book, A Comic Guide to Brewing.  The first printing, which debuted at the Brooklyn Comics & Graphics Festival, sold out in just over a month!  Not bad for something produced in twenty-four hours.  Don’t worry, we’ll be restocking in the new year when our second printing arrives.  And there may just be a sequel in the works…


We look forward to seeing you all in 2013 and are very, very thankful that the Mayans (or at least all the silly non-Mayans who believed them) were wrong because we have a lot to do next year.  So Happy Holidays!  Happy New Year!  And thank you so much for supporting a couple of scrappy, lo-fi comics creators from Brooklyn.  We could not have done it without you.



Dave Kelly & Lara Antal

New Year’s Eve, December 31st, 2012


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20% Codeword Sale!!!

‘Tis the season to freak out and buy stuff for yourself and those around you! Therefore, we are offering 20% off all items on our Etsy store! All you have to do is apply this coupon code when purchasing: SERENA.  All caps, no period.


DISCLAIMER:  If you live in an area where our comics are available in stores, we kindly ask you support them first.  This discount is great if there’s no other way to get our stuff, but you’ll ultimately pay more with shipping.  We love your support no matter what, but our mantra is there’s no better way to buy comics than in a comic shop.

Happy Holidays!!!